October 12, 2021

SUGAR: U.S. beet sugar production for 2021/22 is increased by 145,945 short tons, raw value (STRV) to 5.348 million. NASS increased its forecast of national sugarbeet production by 1.063 million tons to 35.675 million. The largest gains were in the Upper Midwest at 6.13 percent on increased yield of 27.7 tons/acre and the Great Plains at 1.71 percent on increased area. Louisiana cane sugar production for the September-August crop year is reduced by 2.29 percent to 1.783 million STRV. NASS forecasts a lower yield of 32.2 tons/acre, slightly offset by processors’ forecast of slightly more sugarcane area for sugar. Fiscal year (FY) production is increased by 20,623 over the crop year total as the 2021 sugar campaign started later than originally expected and sugar expected to be produced in September is now projected to be produced after October 1 of FY 2021/22. Louisiana cane sugar production is therefore 1.804 million STRV for FY 2021/22 and 1.928 million for 2020/21.

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