May 10, 2024

SUGAR:  Mexico production for 2023/24 is projected at 4.649 million metric tons (MT), an increase of 76,541 over last month. Area harvested is unchanged at 727,116 hectares (ha) but sugarcane yield is increased to 62.73 MT/ha and sucrose recovery is increased to 10.19 percent on interim analysis from CONADESUCA production data through April 27. There remains significant downside risk on area that may not be harvested due to inadequate sugar content in the remaining sugarcane. The low polarity sugar share of total production has been trending downward and is estimated at 6.50 percent, down from 7.00 percent last month. Assuming that all projected low polarity sugar is exported to the U.S. market and constitutes 71 percent of the total exported, exports to the United States are projected at 425,607 MT, a very slight decrease from last month.

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