July 12, 2018
SUGAR: U.S. sugar supply for 2018/19 is increased 143,867 short tons, raw value (STRV) as increases in beginning stocks and imports more than offset a reduction in cane sugar production. The increase in imports results from the Secretary of Agriculture establishing 2018/19 sugar tariff-rate quotas (TRQs) that include an allocation for specialty sugar beyond the minimum level that the United States is bound under the WTO. In addition there is a small increase in projected imports from Mexico. Cane sugar production is reduced in all producing States. Production changes in Florida and Louisiana result from applying updated yield and recovery projections on NASS 2018/19 area harvested forecasts. Texas production is reduced on processor reporting. U.S. sugar use for 2018/19 is reduced by 100,000 STRV on lower deliveries for human consumption. Ending stocks are residually projected at 1.707 million STRV for an ending stocks-to-use ratio of 13.5 percent.