January 12, 2016
SUGAR: U.S. sugar production for 2015/16 is projected at 8.934 million short tons, raw value (STRV), a decrease of 57,000 from last
month. Louisiana cane sugar production is reduced 42,000 STRV to 1.423 million based on industry reports for a harvest that is nearly
over. Texas cane sugar production is reduced 15,000 STRV to 115,000 based on the updated processor forecast. The Hawaii
Commercial & Sugar Company (HC&S), the only remaining sugarcane processor in Hawaii, announced on January 6 that it will be
terminating cane sugar production by the end of 2016. This announcement has no effect on projected 2015/16 production. Beet sugar
is unchanged although sugar recovery from beet slicing from August through November is lower than expected.
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