U.S. Sugar Policy
The Farm Bill, which establishes domestic sugar policy, and the administration of the policy are the key areas of focus for ASGA. This policy determines how growers and processors will do business in the marketplace, and whether or not they will do it profitably and efficiently. Sugar is unique in its position within general agricultural policy, because growers receive no payments or subsidies from the government. USDA is required to operate the provisions of the policy at no cost to the U.S. Treasury. Instead of government payments, growers and processors get their income from selling their sugar in the U.S. market. ASGA works to educate members of Congress and the Administration to assure that an efficient sugar policy is maintained.
Benefits of Current Policy
There are many benefits to consumers and taxpayers that result from a strong sugar industry. Even if you are not from a sugarbeet growing area or state, you benefit from a sound sugar policy. Read more: Benefits of Current Policy
Overall Allotment Quantity
The Overall Allotment Quantity, or OAQ, is the measurement to regulate how much sugar can be sold in the domestic marketplace. Check here to learn more about the OAQ and get the latest numbers available. Read more: Overall Allotment Quantity