Richard Gerstenberger

Richard Gerstenberger
Snover, MI
A third generation farmer, Rick has been farming his whole life. The family operation that started with his parents, his brother and himself, has evolved over the years to include his two sons, Dan and Mike. The farm operates on a rotation of sugarbeets, corn, soybeans, wheat, alfalfa, and occasionally dry beans, on just under 2,900 acres. Along with the crops, Rick and his sons are also part of a group that provides feed for a large dairy operation.
Rick was elected in 2007 to the Board of Directors of Michigan Sugar Company and currently serves as its Chairman. He has been a member of the ASGA Board of Directors since 2008 and is currently serving as the Vice President of the Association. Rick also serves on the local Farm Service Agency Board and has served on numerous local boards and is a lifelong member of Peace Lutheran Church.
Richard and Linda have been married for more than 35 years and have four grown children along with four grandchildren; Jennifer of Orlando, Florida; Jillian of Miami, Florida; Dan and Amanda Clayton, Liam, and Kendall of Sandusky, Michigan; and Mike and Kayla, and Avery of Snover, Michigan.