Sugar has long been accepted as a basic and essential ingredient in our nation’s food supply. It allows the American consumer to choose from a huge variety of preserved, canned, frozen and prepared foods that offer a balance of nutrients.
Consumers in the United States continue to depend on foreign suppliers for 30 percent of their sugar. The price and supply of this foreign sugar is neither predictable nor reliable, which is why virtually every nation, including the United States, has a program to insulate both producers and consumers from international price volatility. Without the current sugar program, our efficient U.S. producers would fall prey to those countries that unfairly subsidize production and/or exports and dump the surplus on world markets. It is therefore in the best interest of our nation to maintain a strong and viable domestic sugar industry to protect ourselves from significant dependence on foreign suppliers.
The U.S. Sugar Industry, consisting of beet and cane, not only provides an important product for our nourishment, but is a major economic force in our struggling rural economies as well. The industry employs 151,000 people in 22 states and has an annual economic impact of nearly $23 billion on the American economy.
The men and women listed in this Directory are family farmers from eleven sugarbeet producing states. They donate their time and talents to this Association in order to maintain a strong and productive industry for the future. These directors and their fellow farmers they represent are dedicated to supplying a portion of the sweetener needs to the American consumer. It is a challenge and responsibility that they take seriously and proudly accept.
The American Sugarbeet Growers Association was incorporated in October 1975 under the laws of the District of Columbia. The purpose of the organization is to unite the sugarbeet growers in the United States and promote the common interests of its members, which include legislative and international representation and public relations.